The only way someone can be of help to you is in challenging your ideas.

Anthony De Mello and J. Francis Stroud, Awareness

Why Choosing Your Friends Wisely is Important and How to Do It

We've all heard the saying, "you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with." While this may not be an exact science, it's not hard to see the truth in this statement. The people we surround ourselves with can have a huge impact on our lives, both positively and negatively. This is why it's important to choose our friends and who we hang out with wisely.

The challenge is that it's not always easy to do this. Many of the people who fall into the negative category are in our family, and we can't just cut ties with them. So, what can we do? The antidote, short of therapy, is to hire a coach, get a mentor, add accountability partners to our lives, or all of the above.

Let's start with coaches. A coach is someone who can help you identify your goals and develop a plan to achieve them. They can also help you identify any limiting beliefs or behaviors that may be holding you back. Having a coach can be incredibly helpful in making progress towards your goals and developing a positive mindset. Plus, since a coach is someone you're paying to help you, they have a vested interest in seeing you succeed.

Mentors are another great resource for choosing your friends wisely. A mentor is someone who has already achieved what you want to achieve and can offer guidance and support along the way. They can share their experiences and help you avoid making the same mistakes they did. Mentors can also offer valuable networking opportunities and introduce you to other successful people in your field.

Finally, accountability partners are essential for maintaining focus and staying on track. An accountability partner is someone who you regularly check in with to discuss your progress towards your goals. They can provide encouragement and support when you're feeling stuck or discouraged. Plus, the act of reporting your progress to someone else can be a powerful motivator in and of itself.

Of course, it's important to note that not all negative people in our lives are inherently bad. Sometimes, people who challenge us and push us out of our comfort zones can be the most valuable. It's all about finding the right balance and ensuring that the people we're spending time with are having a net positive impact on our lives.

In summary, choosing your friends and who you hang out with wisely is crucial for personal and professional growth. While it's not always easy, there are resources available to help you find the right people to surround yourself with. Whether it's a coach, mentor, accountability partner, or all of the above, investing in these relationships can pay off in a big way.

I wrote a plan that if implemented will take any real estate agent from zero to $100K. Rule number 6 of the plan is to get a coach, a mentor and accountability partner to help you do it.

Schedule a free coaching call and I will share this plan with you: