A talent stack is a collection of skills that work well together to make you valuable and rare in a wide variety of ways.

Scott Adams and Joshua Lisec, Reframe Your Brain

I save quotes like this in my Kindle from books I read.

Contemplating this quote, I have to ask what I call “Self-Coaching Questions.”

What is my (your) current talent stack?

What talents can I (you) develop and stack to make myself (yourself) more valuable and rare?

Self-coaching questions like the ones I pose above are a powerful tool for personal and professional growth. They encourage introspection and self-awareness, helping you to identify your strengths, areas for improvement, and opportunities for development. Let's explore these questions in more detail:

  1. What is my (your) current talent stack?

    This question invites you to assess your existing skills and abilities. It's about understanding what you currently bring to the table. Consider your technical skills, soft skills, experiences, and even hobbies. Reflect on feedback you've received from others, and think about the tasks or roles where you excel.
  2. What talents can I (you) develop and stack to make myself (yourself) more valuable and rare?

    This question is about identifying potential areas for growth. It's important to consider not just what skills you could develop, but also how they would complement your existing talents. Look at trends in your industry or areas you're passionate about. Think about skills that are in high demand but low supply, or those that would uniquely position you in your field or life pursuits.

The value of these self-coaching prompts lies in their ability to inspire proactive self-development. They encourage you to take charge of your growth and career trajectory. Regularly asking yourself these kinds of questions can lead to greater self-awareness, more strategic career planning, and ultimately a more fulfilling and successful professional life.

If you find this kind of self-reflection helpful, you might also consider keeping a journal or log where you regularly update your thoughts and progress on these questions. It can be a powerful way to track your growth over time and stay focused on your goals.