If you're a real estate agent, you know that success in this industry requires a combination of skills, knowledge, and personality traits. In this post, we'll explore how three specific traits, all starting with the letter C, can help you be more successful in your career.

Let's start with the first C: curiosity. As Michael Bungay Stanier writes in The Coaching Habit, "Curiosity is the foundation of what it means to be a coach. It’s about being willing to ask a question, not because you don’t know the answer, but because you’re genuinely curious to hear what the person has to say."

Now, you might be thinking, "But I'm not a coach. I'm a real estate agent." That's true, but the same principle applies. To be successful in real estate, you need to be curious about your clients. You need to ask questions to learn more about their needs, their goals, and their preferences. When you understand your clients' motivations, you can better serve them and find properties that meet their criteria.

For example, imagine you're working with a couple who is looking for a home with a large backyard. Instead of simply showing them homes with big yards, you could ask them, "What do you want to do in the backyard? Do you have kids or pets who need space to play?" By digging deeper and showing genuine curiosity, you can better understand what they're really looking for and find a home that meets their needs.

The second C is creativity. As Seth Godin says, "an enemy of fear is creativity. Acting in a creative way generates action, and action persuades the fear to lighten up." In real estate, fear can take many forms. Maybe you're nervous about cold-calling potential clients, or you're worried about how you'll close a difficult deal.

But creativity can help you overcome those fears. Instead of relying on the same old tactics, try coming up with new and creative ways to reach clients and close deals. Maybe you could create a series of videos highlighting different neighborhoods in your area, or host a virtual open house on social media. By thinking outside the box, you can set yourself apart from other real estate agents and attract new clients.

Finally, let's talk about conscientiousness. As Jordan Peterson writes in 12 Rules for Life, "Conscientiousness is perhaps the trait that most directly leads to productivity and achievement. It’s the personality trait that predicts success the most reliably, after intelligence. Highly conscientious people do a lot of things that bring them success, and then they find themselves in stable and well-paying jobs, with good relationships and good health. The future belongs to the conscientious. It’s as simple as that."

As a real estate agent, being conscientious means being organized, detail-oriented, and reliable. It means responding to emails and phone calls promptly, showing up to appointments on time, and keeping meticulous records. When you're conscientious, your clients will trust you and feel confident in your ability to help them buy or sell a home.

So, there you have it: three C's that can help you be more successful as a real estate agent. By being curious, creative, and conscientious, you can build strong relationships with clients, close more deals, and achieve your goals.