Strategic Blocks are three-hour blocks of time scheduled at least once a week.

Brian P. Moran and Michael Lennington, The 12 Week Year Field Guide: Get More Done In 12 Weeks Than Others Do In 12 Months

What is the essence of strategy boiled down to the realities of what must be done to be successful in real estate?

Tim and Julie Harris might say, "Doing what you don't want to do, when you don't want to do it, at the highest level."

Let's break that down and make it even more focused and strategic.

Say YES to the one thing, your most important task (MIT). Which means you must also be saying NO to everything else during the time you need to do it. Are you ready to be strategic?

"Seems a little harsh?" you say.  "I'm good at multitasking." Well you are not. And you may not really know how really, really bad at multitasking you really are until you give it up for one 3-Hour Strategic Block of time each week.

Let me suggest you surrender your I-am-a-master-multi-tasker paradigm once a week and focus "strategically" on the one thing that will build your business. 

For me that one strategic thing is calling buyer prospects with houses (match-making) and calling potential sellers with buyers (market-making).

That's the strategic move that will make the most difference in my business.

What's your most important strategic move?

OK, now to pick a day of the week? I wonder what the best time of day to call is? What if I don't have anyone to call?


Mind Junk!

Hey OpenAI. Can you help me figure out why this is so hard for me to implement? 

If you have any challenges in your real estate business, give OpenAI some love... cut and paste the following into the chatbot and tell it what's going on in your business.

I want you to act like my real estate coach [life coach]. I want you to ask me questions to help me think through my challenges, and help me find potential solutions. I want you to demonstrate empathy and understanding. Most of all I want you to be a good listener. Please ask only one important question at a time and let me answer. Hold giving me advice unless I ask for it. I want you use the coaching methodology of Michael Bungay Stanier as outlined in the The Coaching Habit.

Do this often and you might just learn how coach yourself to a successful real estate career.

Don't believe me?

Give it a try.

If you want to learn more about how to employ Artificial Intelligence (AI) in your own real estate practice. Schedule a free 15 minute coaching call with me.

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