You are not only going to choose your ideal client, you’re going to actively repel the people you would not enjoy working with. And that’s not only ok, that’s also desirable!

Karin Carr, YouTube for Agents: Learn How to Get Free Leads and NEVER Cold Call Again

In our world of real estate, it's not uncommon to come across clients who just don't seem like a good fit. Whether they don't return your calls, emails or texts, or simply don't seem interested, these clients can be frustrating and time-consuming. But what if we told you that this could actually be a good thing?

According to author Karin Carr, we actively repel clients and that's OK. We wouldn't enjoy working with them anyway. By focusing your efforts on those who are a better fit, you can create a more positive and productive work experience.

So, how can you identify and attract your ideal real estate client? The first step is to study those who do accept working with you. From there, you can build an "avatar" of your ideal customer, a detailed profile that includes their needs, preferences, and characteristics. This information can help you tailor your marketing approach, communication style, and overall strategy to better serve your desired client base.

In conclusion, while it may be disappointing to see some potential clients ghost you, it can also be a positive thing. By focusing on understanding and serving those who are open to working with you, you can attract more of your desired customer base and create a more successful and enjoyable real estate career.

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